Top Richest People in the World 2017

Being rich can be a different definition for everyone. Some might consider it as having enough resources for a living, while some might consider living a lavish life to be being rich. Generally being rich is defined as having good amounts of money with you. Not everyone in the world is rich and some who are still strive to become more rich but it has to be this way only for the world to go around. Talking about being rich in money, here is a list of top  richest people of 2017 in the world according to the wealth they hold.

World Richest People in 2017

                                                     Rank  Name               NetWorth    Age       Source                    Country

#1 Bill Gates $86 B     61       Microsoft       USA
#2 Warren Buffett $75.6 B     87   Berkshire Hathaway       USA
#3 Jeff Bezos $72.8 B     53        USA
#4 Amancio Ortega $71.3 B     81       Zara      Spain
#5 Mark Zuckerberg $56 B     33      Facebook       USA
#6 Carlos Slim Helu $54.5 B     77       telecom     Mexico
#7 Larry Ellison $52.2 B    73       software       USA
#8 Charles Koch $48.3 B  81       diversified       USA
#8 David Koch $48.3 B   77       diversified       USA
#10 Michael Bloomberg  $47..5B   75  BloombergLP               USA


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